Every day thousands of blood tubes are delivered to laboratories in hospitals around the globe. The blood in the tubes is a vital part of the analytic work that doctors use for diagnoses.
As up to 80% of all diagnoses are based on blood analyses, the blood tubes are an essential part of the process from drawing the blood till analyzing and till the final result for the doctors. For each interaction, valuable time is being lost and the risks for mistakes occur. Today, these challenges can be overcome by installing the Point-to-Point transport system Tempus600.
Learn more about transportation of blood tubes
When installing a Tempus600 Point-to-Point transport system dedicated to blood tubes from the ward and directly connected to the analytic equipment in the laboratory, the blood tubes get the “preferred status” that they rightfully deserve.
Blood tubes will no longer be subject to all the manual handling and they can get their own “one-way motorway”. Valuable time is saved and the processing time is shortened intensely.