The transportation time is a major factor in terms of overall efficiency of the blood sample analysis process. That’s why we operate with the concept of “ToTAT”: Total Turnaround Time from when the test is ordered to the analysis result is ready and reported to the doctor in charge.
The Tempus600® is specifically developed to increase the efficiency in the sample transportation. The system is fast, safe and dedicated – and by enabling one-touch handling and point-to-point delivery the system provides a crucial reduction of the ToTAT.
By reducing ToTAT the Tempus600® enables faster decisions and thus a better treatment.
The blood sample is sent in the dedicated pneumatic transport pipe right after it is taken and few seconds later it arrives at the laboratory – for manually sorting or in an automatic sorter connected directly to the automated analysing system.
The fastest blood transport system allows you to run blood samples after an efficient ‘first in first out’ principle, it frees up competencies and in the end it leads to a faster treatment of the patient.